as well as those who are near to him, and to beware of no man more than himself. If you perfectly overcome yourself you will very easily bring all else under the yoke. The perfect victory is to triumph over ourselves. For he who keeps himself subject such that his sensual affections are obedient to reason, and his reason in all things obedient to Me, that person has conquerored the world and himself.
If you desire to mount to this height, you must begin like a man, and lay the axe to the root,† that you may pluck up and destroy the hidden inordinate inclination to self, and to all private and earthly good.
By this fault (that a man too inordinately loves himself) almost everything is upheld, which ought from its roots to be removed. If this evil be once vanquished and subdued, there will presently ensue great peace and tranquility. But because few labor to be perfectly dead to self, or fully transcend themselves, they remain entangled, nor can they be lifted up in spirit.
But he who desires to walk at liberty with Me must mortify all corrupt and inordinate affections, and should not be bound to any creature with selfish love. •